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How to use turnkey signer with Biconomy smart accounts

Turnkey is a key infrastructure provider with a great developer API and a powerful security policy engine. By integrating Turnkey with Biconomy, you can build custodial Account Abstraction (AA) wallets that leverage Turnkey's security while enabling advanced features like gas sponsorship, transaction batching, and more.


To integrate Turnkey with Biconomy, start by creating an application with Turnkey.

For detailed guidance, refer to the Turnkey documentation. You can also explore their quick-start examples to get up and running quickly.


Integrating Biconomy with Turnkey is simple once your project is set up. Turnkey offers an Externally Owned Account (EOA) wallet that can serve as the signer for Biconomy smart accounts.

Create the TurnkeyClient and a Turnkey viem account

After following the Turnkey documentation, you will have access to a TurnkeyClient. An example is shown below that you can pass as an owner to createSmartAccountClient:

import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { ApiKeyStamper } from "@turnkey/sdk-server";
import { TurnkeyClient } from "@turnkey/http";
import { createAccount } from "@turnkey/viem";
const main = async () => {
    const bundlerUrl = ``
    const apiPublicKey = '';
    const apiPrivateKey = '';
    const stamper = new ApiKeyStamper({ apiPublicKey, apiPrivateKey });
    const signWith = ""; // create an address in the  turnkey dashboard
    // Param options here will be specific to your project.  See the Turnkey docs for more info.
    const turnkeyClient = new TurnkeyClient({ baseUrl:  "" }, stamper)
    const turnkeyAccount = await createAccount({
        client: turnkeyClient,
        organizationId: '',
        signWith: signWith, 

Create the Biconomy client

Next, use the Turnkey viem account to initialize the Biconomy Nexus Client:

import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { ApiKeyStamper } from "@turnkey/sdk-server";
import { TurnkeyClient } from "@turnkey/http";
import { createAccount } from "@turnkey/viem";
import { createNexusClient, NexusClient } from "@biconomy/sdk";  
const main = async () => {
    const bundlerUrl = ``
    const apiPublicKey = '';
    const apiPrivateKey = '';
    const stamper = new ApiKeyStamper({ apiPublicKey, apiPrivateKey });
    const signWith = "";
    // Param options here will be specific to your project.  See the Turnkey docs for more info.
    const turnkeyClient = new TurnkeyClient({ baseUrl:  "" }, stamper)
    const turnkeyAccount = await createAccount({
        client: turnkeyClient,
        organizationId: '',
        signWith: signWith, 
    const nexusClient: NexusClient = await createNexusClient({
        chain: baseSepolia,
        signer: turnkeyAccount,
        transport: http(""),
        bundlerTransport: http(bundlerUrl),