Modules are designed to extend the functionality of smart contract accounts in a consistent and predictable manner. This guide explains how modules work and how to interact with them in the SDK.
Module Extension Pattern
The SDK uses a module extension pattern to maintain efficient bundle sizes and enable tree-shaking. Here's why:
- Tree-shaking Optimization: If all module actions were included in the base NexusClient, your bundle would include code for every possible module, even ones you don't use.
- Flexible Integration: Developers can choose which modules to include, reducing bundle size by only importing needed functionality.
- Type Safety: Each module extension adds its own type definitions, providing proper TypeScript support for module-specific actions.
For example, instead of:
// ❌ This would include ALL module code in your bundle
const nexusClient = createNexusClient({
// config
modules: [sessionsModule, securityModule, otherModules...]
We use:
// ✅ Only the sessions module code is included
const nexusClient = await createNexusClient({ /* config */ });
const sessionNexusClient = nexusClient.extend(smartSessionCreateActions(sessionsModule));
General Module Interaction Pattern
Interacting with a module typically follows these steps:
- Create the module
- Install the module
- Extend the Nexus client with module-specific actions
- Use the module's functionality
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Create the module
Use the appropriate to[ModuleName]
function to create a module instance:
const myModule = to[ModuleName]({
account: nexusClient.account,
signer: eoaAccount,
moduleInitArgs: {
// Module-specific initialization arguments
2. Install the module
Install the module on your Nexus client's smart contract account:
const hash = await nexusClient.installModule({
module: myModule.moduleInitData
// Wait for the installation to be confirmed
const { success } = await nexusClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({ hash });
3. Extend the Nexus client
Extend your Nexus client with module-specific actions:
const extendedNexusClient = nexusClient.extend([ModuleName]Actions(myModule));
4. Use the module's functionality
Use the extended Nexus client to interact with the module's features:
const result = await extendedNexusClient.[moduleSpecificAction]({
// Action-specific parameters
Example: Multisig Module
Here's an example of how to use the Smart Sessions module:
// 1. Create the module
const ownableModule = toOwnableValidator({
account: nexusClient.account,
signer: account,
moduleInitArgs: {
threshold: 1n,
owners: [publicKey]
// 2. Install the module
const hash = await nexusClient.installModule({
module: ownableModule.moduleInitData
// 3. Extend the Nexus client
const ownableDanClient = nexusClient
// 4. Use the module's functionality
const newSignature = await ownableNexusClient.prepareSignatures({
signatures: ["0x...", "0x..."]